portrait of a person smiling who has short blond hair and a black shirt, with trees in the background

Hi, I am Michael Joel!

I am a queer, trans software engineer. I believe technology has endless possibilities, from entertainment to community support and advocacy. I love developing accessible applications, automating tasks, and streamlining workflow to make our lives and jobs as efficient and effective as possible.

Learn about what I do

Here are some of the current services I offer.

At this time, I am putting my focus in to web development. I look forward to helping bring your site to life!


I will work with you to create the best style and layout for your needs.


I will write the code to bring your site ideas in to reality.


I develop websites that centralize accesssibility.


Check out some of my creations!

web application showing a tarot card drawing

Tarot Reading

Developed a card drawing application that allows the user to draw a card and flip it over to read its meaning.

County COVID-19 Dashboard

COVID-19 Dashboard

Built an accessible and mobile-friendly dashboard to help communicate current COVID-19 data to the local population.